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Installation Highlights

dropThrough the communication between our Sales and Service Departments we are able to meet deadlines and complete installations maintaining customer service and the highest level of quality.


Parkway Realty                                                                             .
One Capitol City Plaza (Office High Rise)                                

One Cap                                               

Campbell-Stone North Apartments(Assisted Living High Rise)


Campbell stone  


Why Fire Guardian?

With a whole slew of Fire Serivce companies to choose from, Why choose Fire Guardian?

ImagedropService: We at Fire Guardian discovered that by putting real customer service ahead of ‘the bottom line,’ our bottom line just keeps on growing. Imagine That! Starting fresh in 2001, our customers ‘raised us’ from scratch to "forget" what we knew about customer service from the old companies. Property Managers and Engineers trained us in the ways THEY wanted us to grow.

.dropProduct: We install only Non-Proprietary universal Fire Alarm systems. Any licensed Fire Alarm company has access to the parts and service documents necessary to service, expand, and/or upgrade the equipment we install.   

dropPrice: Through solid communication between our Sales and Service Departments, we are able to maintain competitive rates while upholding the highest level of customer service.  Our “Team” philosophy allows us to see complex projects through to completion and within budget while  preserving the highest level of quality our customers have come to expect from Fire Guardian.